CosmiQ Works Evaluation (cw-eval) Documentation

Author:CosmiQ Works
Copyright:2018, CosmiQ Works
License:This work is licensed under an Apache 2.0 License.

Core functionality

class cw_eval.baseeval.EvalBase(ground_truth_vector_file)[source]

Object to test IoU for predictions and ground truth polygons.

Parameters:ground_truth_vector_file (str) – Path to .geojson file for ground truth.
eval_iou(miniou=0.5, iou_field_prefix='iou_score', ground_truth_class_field='', calculate_class_scores=True, class_list=['all'])[source]

Evaluate IoU between the ground truth and proposals.

  • miniou (float, optional) – Minimum intersection over union score to qualify as a successful object detection event. Defaults to 0.5.
  • iou_field_prefix (str, optional) – The name of the IoU score column in self.proposal_GDF. Defaults to "iou_score".
  • ground_truth_class_field (str, optional) – The column in self.ground_truth_GDF that indicates the class of each polygon. Required if using calculate_class_scores.
  • calculate_class_scores (bool, optional) – Should class-by-class scores be calculated? Defaults to True.
  • class_list (list, optional) – List of classes to be scored. Defaults to ['all'] (score all classes).

scoring_dict_list – list of score output dicts for each image in the ground truth and evaluated image datasets. The dicts contain the following keys:

('class_id', 'iou_field', 'TruePos', 'FalsePos', 'FalseNeg',
'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1Score')

Return type:


eval_iou_spacenet_csv(miniou=0.5, iou_field_prefix='iou_score', imageIDField='ImageId', debug=False, minArea=0)[source]

Evaluate IoU between the ground truth and proposals in CSVs.

  • miniou (float , optional) – Minimum intersection over union score to qualify as a successful object detection event. Defaults to 0.5.
  • iou_field_prefix (str , optional) – The name of the IoU score column in self.proposal_GDF. Defaults to "iou_score" .
  • imageIDField (str , optional) – The name of the column corresponding to the image IDs in the ground truth data. Defaults to "ImageId".
  • debug (bool , optional) – Argument for verbose execution during debugging. Defaults to False (silent execution).
  • minArea (float or int , optional) – Minimum area of a ground truth polygon to be considered during evaluation. Often set to 20 in SpaceNet competitions. Defaults to 0 (consider all ground truth polygons).

scoring_dict_list – list of score output dicts for each image in the ground truth and evaluated image datasets. The dicts contain the following keys:

('imageID', 'iou_field', 'TruePos', 'FalsePos', 'FalseNeg',
'Precision', 'Recall', 'F1Score')

Return type:


load_proposal(proposal_vector_file, conf_field_list=['conf'], proposalCSV=False, pred_row_geo_value='PolygonWKT_Pix', conf_field_mapping=[])[source]

Load in a proposal geojson or CSV.

  • proposal_vector_file (str) – Path to the file containing proposal vector objects. This can be a .geojson or a .csv.
  • conf_field_list (list, optional) – List of columns corresponding to confidence value(s) in the proposal vector file. Defaults to ['conf'].
  • proposalCSV (bool, optional) – Is the proposal file a CSV? Defaults to no (False), in which case it’s assumed to be a .geojson.
  • pred_row_geo_value (str, optional) – The name of the geometry-containing column in the proposal vector file. Defaults to 'PolygonWKT_Pix'. Note: this method assumes the geometry is in WKT format.
  • conf_field_mapping (dict, optional) – '__max_conf_class' column value:class ID mapping dict for multiclass use. Only required in multiclass cases.

Return type:

0 upon successful completion.


Loads in a .geojson or .csv-formatted file of proposal polygons for comparison to the ground truth and stores it as part of the EvalBase instance. This method assumes the geometry contained in the proposal file is in WKT format.

load_truth(ground_truth_vector_file, truthCSV=False, truth_geo_value='PolygonWKT_Pix')[source]

Load in the ground truth geometry data.

  • ground_truth_vector_file (str) – Path to the ground truth vector file. Must be either .geojson or .csv format.
  • truthCSV (bool, optional) – Is the ground truth a CSV? Defaults to False, in which case it’s assumed to be a .geojson.
  • truth_geo_value (str, optional) – Column of the ground truth vector file that corresponds to geometry.

Return type:

0 if it completes successfully.


Loads the ground truth vector data into the EvalBase instance.

cw_eval.baseeval.eval_base(ground_truth_vector_file, csvFile=False, truth_geo_value='PolygonWKT_Pix')[source]

Deprecated API to EvalBase.

Deprecated since version 0.3: Use EvalBase instead.

cw_eval.evalfunctions.calculate_iou(pred_poly, test_data_GDF)[source]

Get the best intersection over union for a predicted polygon.

  • pred_poly (shapely.Polygon) – Prediction polygon to test.
  • test_data_GDF (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame of ground truth polygons to test pred_poly against.

iou_GDF – A subset of test_data_GDF that overlaps pred_poly with an added column iou_score which indicates the intersection over union value.

Return type:


cw_eval.evalfunctions.process_iou(pred_poly, test_data_GDF, remove_matching_element=True)[source]

Get the maximum intersection over union score for a predicted polygon.

  • pred_poly (shapely.geometry.Polygon) – Prediction polygon to test.
  • test_data_GDF (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – GeoDataFrame of ground truth polygons to test pred_poly against.
  • remove_matching_element (bool, optional) – Should the maximum IoU row be dropped from test_data_GDF? Defaults to True.

Return type:

*This function doesn’t currently return anything.*

SpaceNet Challenge eval code

cw_eval.challenge_eval.off_nadir_dataset.eval_off_nadir(prop_csv, truth_csv, imageColumns={}, miniou=0.5, minArea=20)[source]

Evaluate an off-nadir competition proposal csv.

Uses EvalBase to evaluate off-nadir challenge proposals. See imageColumns in the source code for how collects are broken into Nadir, Off-Nadir, and Very-Off-Nadir bins.

  • prop_csv (str) – Path to the proposal polygon CSV file.
  • truth_csv (str) – Path to the ground truth polygon CSV file.
  • imageColumns (dict, optional) – dict of (collect: nadir bin) pairs used to separate collects into sets. Nadir bin values must be one of ["Nadir", "Off-Nadir", "Very-Off-Nadir"] . See source code for collect name options.
  • miniou (float, optional) – Minimum IoU score between a region proposal and ground truth to define as a successful identification. Defaults to 0.5.
  • minArea (float or int, optional) – Minimum area of ground truth regions to include in scoring calculation. Defaults to 20.

results_DF : pd.DataFrame

Summary pd.DataFrame of score outputs grouped by nadir angle bin, along with the overall score.

results_DF_Full : pd.DataFrame

pd.DataFrame of scores by individual image chip across the ground truth and proposal datasets.

Return type:

results_DF, results_DF_Full

Indices and tables